CREDITS: ashesfordayz for art, repth for layout!

september 19th, 2023

hi im chris redfield :) (i use this beer emoji 🍺 as a signoff sometimes-- if you see that, it's me!) i'm an introject! i'm bodily 17 (which is weird, like, i'm a grown ass man with a JOB. but sure i'll be a high school girl i guess. i dunno. fictivism is weird.) but i'm not actually sure how old i am in the headspace? google says i'm 35 in resident evil 5, which seems about right, but i'm not entirely sure :( maybe one day i'll remember!

also, i don't have a canon birthday, so i celebrate with the body's birthday (october 28th-- feel free to wish me or just the system as a whole a happy birthday on that day, we all celebrate it as the body's bday even if it's not all of our birthdays, you know?). uhhhh i'm trying to think of stuff to say about me. i really like my boyfriend (our albert wesker introject ♡)! and i find vintage cars interesting, but i'm not crazy crazy about them, yknow?

my biggest interest is probably my source, resident evil! i also enjoy reading (mostly fanfiction), but don't take me for a literature nerd or anything-- i'm not smart enough for that, LOL.

thanks for readin' this, nice to meet ya! p.s. any claire introjects, feel free to message me! i miss my little sister :(
